Meet our September Employee Spotlight, Ross Phillips! Ross is a part of our IT team and has been with our employee-owned family for almost 3 years. Let us get to know him better:
What is your role? Briefly describe what you do.
“My Job title is IT Specialist. I focus on hardware, software, email, user accounts, group policy, phone systems, etc. I am a liaison between EOH and other companies that currently provide IT related services. I am also furthering my knowledge in firewalls and other cybersecurity tools.”
Who/what inspires you?
“As conceited as it may sound, I inspire myself. When I felt like I could not do something, I made sure to prove myself wrong. With that attitude, my accomplishments began to build up and served as a counter to any negative outlook that I may conjure. It motivates me to keep moving forward and not become complacent.”
If you had to pick one strength you bring the to team, what would it be?
“I am a mixed bag. A jack of all trades but master of none. I have done a little bit of everything in both my military and IT professions. Many of my tasks in the military were deeply rooted in information technology and analysis. With my past experiences in the military along with the lessons learned in college, I had a good understanding of “the big picture” when it came to a corporate environment. I also have an obsessive nature. I usually don’t quit at something once it has its hooks in me, whether it be a task or an idea. This characteristic helps in the areas of problem solving and troubleshooting.”
What do you like to do in your free time?
“At one point I was gamer, which led me to building computers and deciding to go to school for Management Information Systems. Now, I am really into just working on my house and doing things around the lawn while listening to Neil Diamond and hydrating with sweet tea. Dad stuff basically, except that I am not a father. I still like to ride motorcycles and get out on a long trip once a year. I am slowly getting back into camping and would like to camp from the bike on the next trip. I also spend a lot of time with my two dogs, Madison and George.”
If I could learn how to do one thing, what would it be?
“I have always wanted to learn to play the piano.”
Where were you born?
“I was born in Houston, TX.”
What’s the best thing about your job?
“The people. My supervisor and colleagues have continuously pushed me to attend training, broaden my scope of tasks, and prepare me for future endeavors. I feel that I am respected and appreciated as a member of the EOH IT team.”
What’s been one of your proudest moments at EOHI?
“I do not have one singular moment but more a culmination of several small moments. I thought it was challenging and fun to rebuild certain parts of our infrastructure soon after I was hired. I have had the opportunity to learn several new skills and become proficient in several different tools that benefit a corporate landscape. It is not so much the proudest moment that I have at EOHI, but pride in the company for continually shaping me into a more knowledgeable professional.”
How do you define success?
“If I can go into the office happy, come home at the end of the day happy, and go to sleep without a worry then I consider that successful.”
Where is your favorite place that you’ve traveled?
“I have been all over the US and outside of the country several times. I honestly couldn’t choose a favorite. I do have a preference though and that would be the deserts of West Texas. I would gladly choose tumbleweeds, cactus, and mountains over the pine trees of East Texas any day.”